Our Services
Networking support with In-house operational towards entrepreneurial expertise and resource management based.
Value Added Services
- Plug and play seats
- Laboratory equipment’s and other infrastructure
- Networking Support
- Students for internships
- Market outreach programs
- Patent and IPR support
- Mentorship support from academia, government, financial mentors and established entrepreneurs
- Grants, seed Fund and fund raising support from Government bodies, Angel investors and venture capitals (India, USA, Australia, Singapore, United Kingdom and Others)
Speciality Support
- Support for Clinical trials, Animal and transgenic animal trials.
- Human and animal cell culture support for research testing
- Medical testing support
- Technology oriented support with computers with 64 GB and 32 GB work stations
- High-speed internet, Landline phone connection, power outlet with 24/7 power backup.
- Digital infrastructure, Fab Lab and Makerspace.
- Company service support
- Meeting rooms, Design thinking rooms, Ideation rooms and Conference halls.
- Specialized meeting with policy makers, Angels, Venture capitals, Entrepreneurs and tart-up ecosystem players
- Collaboration of other incubators and accelerators from India and abroad (Finland, Dubai, Middle eastern and North African countries, Canada, France, Japan and Malaysia)
- Lobby area with minimalistic cafeteria.
- Industry connects.
- Open labs and open tech farms.
- Recruitment support for start-ups
- India – Abroad bridges for strategic connects.
- Co-incubation and Virtual incubation support.
Customers Support For Start-ups At Giec
- Incubatees are executing various services, products and technology to the world, Support for first sale of Minimum Viable Product will be provided.
- Distributors and marketing agents who can support marketing of start-up products, services and technology are welcome.
- Anyone can be potential user of products, service and technology arising from the GIEC.
Incubation Support
- As a business accelerator, we nurture start-ups by individuals or companies from internal and external candidates as a catalyst to develop their businesses by providing full range services for pre-incubators and post incubators.
- We provide all the facilities for Healthcare start-ups in clinical trials, Animal trails, Clinical Data collection, Cell culture facility (human & animals) and diagnostic testing support.
- We support ideation process by developing canvas of business models with effecting mentoring sessions and pitching for business towards developing Minimum Viable products (MVP) through early stage ideation of business valuation and business analysis and further connecting to OEM for the first sale of start-ups.
- We provide physical office space with customized mentorships from various academia, entrepreneurs and venture capitalists.
- We also provide Legal and patent services with support on IPR, Technology transfer and product commercialization with financial services required for start-ups.
- Financial support from seed funds, government grants, angel investors and venture capitals.
- We connect the early stage start-ups with the thrust area support equipment’s and services.
Labs/Centres at GIEC

Centre for Healthcare Entrepreneurship
Universal healthcare facility by igniting the spark of entrepreneurship in Healthcare sector and provide them with focused education, training and top-notch mentorship in Healthcare and its associated innovations with patent, IPR and technology transfer support to start-up. To catalyse healthcare innovation by bringing about affordable solutions to address healthcare needs of India and global environment.

Tech Room
This centre will enable start-ups to build applications and products that could be used in future technologies with support of high end workstations

Makerspace are exclusive in crafting a milieu to play, learn, test and grow ideas. Makerspace is a domicile where you can create stuffs. It's a place for practical knowledge with all the tools for creativeness.

Design Thinking room
Room for the sessions such as mentorship and Design thinking. This room will facilitate with requirements by mentor support process for solving problems by highlighting the consumer's needs above all else. Where the mentors will train start-up entrepreneurs by observing, with empathy, how people network with their environments, work on their cash flow of their business and employs an iterative, hands-on approach to creating innovative solutions for their start-ups.

Board room
A room where a group of people conducts meetings, typically shareholders managing a company or for any meeting requirements.